Art for Awakening

Imagery to guide us along the path of spiritual life

Knowing life has a way of relentlessly showing up in all its messiness, many generations of wise teachers have developed skillful means to help us condition a remembrance of “Ah, yes. I can practice with this too.”

One of these techniques is the use of simile, pairing nuanced guidance with imagery that makes the essential meaning easy to recall (like the image of awareness like open sky, with our experiences the passing clouds—or the image of the mind like muddy water, settling into clarity as we watch with stillness). These images often stay with us when words have faded, finding space in our hearts where complicated language might distract or fluster. We can take great refuge and inspiration by calling them to mind throughout the day, returning in an instant to our capacity for greater awareness.

Drawn from the Dharma, the imagery on this site is designed with the hope that it might help us carry the spiritual teachings we value so much into our lives, orienting us on the path toward greater happiness and freedom from suffering.

About Devin O’Guin

As a graphic designer and illustrator, I've spent the last decade helping individuals and brands visually communicate meaningful messages to their audience. Along the way, I've had the fantastic opportunity to become part of a growing community of individuals practicing meditation and studying Buddhist principles. This site is an opportunity for me to marry a passion for visual communication with discoveries from personal practice, and the insight of many wise teachers—all in the hope of making some small contribution to our shared understanding of the Dharma.

I'm excited that we have an opportunity to create a modern practice of Buddhism that's rooted in tradition, yet springing forth with life unfettered by dogma. It feels critical to share and celebrate these teachings that illuminate a practical path towards greater awareness, kindness, joy, and compassion. I'll be delighted if the content posted here inspires even one person to deepen their practice.

May any goodness that arises from this endeavor be shared by all.

Want to connect?

Feel free to email me at I’m always interested in speaking with friends along the path.

If you have insights you’d like to see illustrated and shared on this site, I’d love to hear about them. Submit your ideas here.